Couples fake divorce to cheat house rules
Couples in one Chinese city are increasingly faking divorce to cheat property purchaserestrictions, with some pretending to separate seven times to buy a new house, according toPeople’s Daily.
The trend has emerged in Shenyang in Northeastern China after home purchase restrictionswere introduced in 2011 to limit the number of houses that can be purchased and taxincentives
One rule stated couples in Shenyang who already owned one property, including the buyer,their spouse and young children, could only purchase one property within the 2nd ring road ofthe city.
The practice of faking divorce has become widespread with many reportedly admitting the solepurpose was just to purchase a property with lower taxes.
Professor Jin Yihong at Nanjing Normal University said the government should disassociatepolicies with marriage and restrict divorcees dividing their properties in the short term. She alsosuggested a personal credit system to record fake marriages.
Attorneys also warned fake divorces could cause more legal disputes later if the coupledivorced for real.
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