» JAPAN'S Knowledge about ISLAM
Posted by Jamboodweepsecurity.blogspot.in on 16:36

They are indeed a very evolved race.
Have you ever read in the newspaper thata political leader or a prime minister from an Islamic nation has visited Japan? Have you ever come across news that theKing of Iran or a Saudi Arabia prince has visited Japan?
Japan, a Country keeping Islam at bay
Japan has put strict restrictions on Islam
and ALL Muslims.
The reasons are:
a) Japan is the only nation that does not give
citizenship to Muslims
b) In Japan, permanent residency is not given to
c) There is a strong ban on the propagation of
Islam in Japan
d) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any
Islamic language is not taught
e) One cannot import ‘Koran’ published in
Arabic language
f) According to data published by the Japanese
government, it has given temporary residency
to only 2 lakhs Muslims, who need to follow
the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims
should speak Japanese and carry their
religious rituals in their homes
g) Japan is the only country in the world that
has a negligible number of embassies of
Islamic countries
h) Japanese people are not attracted to Islam
at all
i) Muslims residing in Japan are the
employees of foreign companies
j) Even today visas are not granted to Muslim
doctors, engineers or managers sent by
foreign companies
k) In the majority of companies, it is stated in
their regulations that no Muslims should
apply for a job
l) The Japanese government is of the opinion
that Muslims are fundamentalist and even in
the era of globalization, they are not willing
to change their Muslim laws
m) Muslims cannot even think about getting a
rented house in Japan
n) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor
is a Muslim then the whole neighborhood
stays alert
o) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic
‘Madarsa’ in Japan
p) There is no personal (Sharia) law in Japan
q) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim
then she is considered an outcast forever
r) According to Mr Komico Yagi (Head of
Department, Tokyo University ) “There is a
mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very
narrow-minded religion and one should
stay away from it”
s) Freelance journalist Mohammed Juber
toured many Islamic countries after 9/11
including Japan. He found that the Japanese
were confident that extremists could
do no harm in Japan.
Jeremy Hall1:43 PM
Freedom of Religion. Love it or leave it. That is what our nation was based on. Never forget that. Our nation was not based on the same principles that Japan was. This seems kind of hateful and prejudice.
Erik Swiger1:48 PM
And our freedom of religion allows militant Muslims to come to American and to assemble in Dearborn, Michigan, and tell passers-by on the street that they "can't dress that way - this is a Muslim neighborhood."
Jeremy Hall1:55 PM (edited)
Look at your word choice, "our freedom". Is the right for Christians to assemble and judge passers by not protected under the Constitution? What makes a Muslim faith excluded from that freedom?
Jeremy Hall1:58 PM (edited)
Have you ever been to an Amish community? Should we get rid of them too?
Erik Swiger2:14 PM
You're missing my point. America has freedom of religion, allowing Christians, Jews, Muslims to worship. Islam does not allow freedom of religion.
The Amish are not famous for blowing up airliners and skyscrapers.
Linda Plue2:14 PM
There doesn't seem to be much freedom for Christians in Dearborn.
Erik Swiger2:15 PM
We allow them to freely worship here, then they assemble and tell strangers that the way they dress is unacceptable, on a public street.
Linda Plue2:28 PM (edited)
+Erik Swiger that one about the way the girl was dressed was in London. The one from Dearborn was where they kept assaulting the Christian protestors. I know, it gets confusing. There is also another incident from Dearborn where they chased the Christians out of the park because they had dogs and dogs are unclean..This is why it has become known as Dearbornistan.
Jeremy Hall2:49 PM (edited)
I've heard Christian women say something some other woman was wearing was unacceptable in public. What is the difference?
Jeremy Hall2:52 PM (edited)
You can't fight fear and hate with more fear and hate. That's just my opinion. They should be allowed every right and freedom that others are, so they can see that we are not evil hateful prejudiced war mongers. We are a beacon of hope, a meld of many cultures, not a target or source of hatred.
Erik Swiger2:44 PM
+Jeremy Hall I would tell you to look up some YouTube videos about Dearborn, Michigan but it probably wouldn't make a difference.
We are not a target of hatred? Dayum.
Linda Plue2:45 PM
There was no problem with religion until the Muslims came and the atheists. Everyone thought Christmas was a beautiful and hopeful time of year. If Jews came here and assimilated into our society then why why cant the Muslims and the atheist do the same? Because they have an agenda to stomp out Christianity.
Erik Swiger2:50 PM
I remember the first time I heard that someone was "offended" by Christmas. That floored me. I couldn't then, and still can't today, understand why anybody would hate the celebration of good will, gift-giving, and cheer during the darkest days of the year.
Erik Swiger2:51 PM
I tried to talk to the atheists, but they're all filled with venom and hate. I tried to patiently understand the Muslims, trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but that seems to be a lost cause.
Linda Plue2:54 PM
I was a Jehovahs Witness as a child and we didn't celebrate Christmas, but it never offended me in the least even tho we considered it a pagan holiday.
Jeremy Hall3:09 PM
"There was no problem with religion until the Muslims came and the atheists" I didn't read past this sentence.
Jeremy Hall3:10 PM
"I tried to talk to the atheists, but they're all filled with venom and hate."
Do you think I am full of venom and hate?
Erik Swiger3:12 PM
"The problem" is laid-out in the comments above.
Jeremy Hall3:14 PM (edited)
The problem seems to be that "everybody" isn't celebrating Christmas anymore.
Erik Swiger3:15 PM
Jeremy was blocked by me a long time ago. I wanted to give him, and others, a second chance. This is what it got me.
Erik Swiger3:15 PM
Oh, and he's blocked again. Had enough of the selective reading and answering of questions.
Linda Plue3:23 PM
He is trying to bait Christians
+Erik Swiger. He wants you to say something that he can use against you. All the atheists are like that. They claim they want people to tolerate one another yet they spend all their time attacking people for their beliefs. They don't run around the country complaining about anything Muslim tho, so they?
Erik Swiger3:30 PM
Early on this conversation was in trouble. I was talking about our freedom of religion, by which of course I meant America's freedom of religion. It appears that he assumed that I meant "Christian's" freedom of religion. And so on. This gets so old.
You're right,
+Linda Plue , they preach tolerance for everybody except Christians, because that's the religion of evil old white male Americans.
Matt Haldeman3:35 PM
The problem that he doesn't want to see is that while we were a free country, we were also founded on Christian principles and ideas. This is fact, not fiction. When God and Christianity were kicked out of our government and schools, they were replaced with "tolerance, hatred, fear, political correctness, and evil."
Max Devine3:36 PM
Post reported for hate speech. This is a prime example of why that option is there.
Raffaele Terracciano3:47 PM (edited)
Switzerland is not a victim of terrorism, and 5% of their population is Muslim and free to worship. Compare that with 0.8% in the USA.
Japan, like Switzerland, is not a victim of terrorism, because they did not ever invade a Muslim country.
Matt Haldeman3:51 PM
+Alex Balcázar , there is NOTHING in your link to prove the original post false! Pay better attention next time...... the original post says that anyone practicing Islam in Japan may ONLY do so in their residence
Veronica Cawelti3:57 PM
Freedom of religion - If islam were a proper religion and not an ideology freedom would not be an issue. But the proper definition of islam is a code of tyrannical and violent laws designed to control a primitive population.
+Alex Balcázar Never use Wikipedia as a reference, it is highly suspect as anyone can change any of the information at any time.
+Raffaele Terracciano Prior to Afghanistan America never invaded a muslim country either. Truth of the matter is America is the richest, most modern, most powerful and most free country in the world and that makes everyone else hate us for our successes. That is why we are attacked.
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