Invasion: FIVE MILLION MUSLIMS march on Europe:
“We cannot guarantee the public safety anymore”

Apparently the numbers that they’ve been selling to their unsuspecting populations are wrong by at least four million. The latest invasion reflects a truer number of five million, not one million — five million invaders. If that’s not war, what is?
And it’s business, the social and migration industry is big business — the NGOs, resettlement organizations, social workers, etc. Just like here in America. Refugee resettlement is big business —
SPD politician Brigitte Meier said that we cannot guarantee the public safety anymore. “An insisting cry for help”.

Title: The truth: Germany recruits refugees systematically. Democratic Post(distilled version)It’s unbelievable but true: There are systematic campaigns to get as many
refugees to Germany as possible. Almost no refugee want to go to another country than Germany because no other country does that kind of advertising for itself. Every country knows that would be “asylum suicide”. But Germany is doing exactly that.Chancellor Merkel and her assistant Thomas de Maizière lure refugees to
Germany with the anglophone TV station “Deutsche Welle”.
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees produces costly propaganda
videos to advertise for the “immigration country” Germany. Die videos are worldwide available in multiple languages.update 28th Oct.: The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has remove
the video (below) from their homepage. It is only available on youtube now.The former Berlin major of the district of Neukölln from the SPD party thinks that up to five million refugees come to us (Germany) this year.SPD politician Brigitte Meier said that we cannot guarantee the public safety anymore. “An insisting cry for help”.But another female SPD policitian, Aydan Özoguz, says that “everyone has to get involved and accept the changes.” and “already one out of five people has a migration background. Germany isn’t the ethnically homogenous national state many still think it is.”The Germany social and migration industry is now making business many big companies can only dream of. Each month, an asylum-seeker costs 3500 euros, that is 3,5 billion euros for one month with an expected number of one million asylum-seekers, 42 billion euros annually. This is roughly the same sum that is paid to all unemployed (German) people. It’s not only the caregivers, language interpreters, social pedagogues, people smugglers, and landlords. The really big business is done by the social special interest groups, pharma pharmaceutical businesses, politicans and even some journalists. For them, the refugee industry is a future-proof billion dollar business.
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